Troubleshooting Issue On Roku
At times you may come across the certain issue s while streaming throughyour Roku streaming device. One such common issues are No Picture orHome-Screen appears even after Roku device is turned on connected.
Resolving Hacks
Initial Checking
Make sure you connect the Roku streaming device to the Television set TV. Incase you have the Audio/video receiver (AVR) or sound bar, connected, you candisconnect it and connect the Player directly to the Television. This will letyou know if the issue is concerned with the AVR or soundbar. Ensure if yourRoku device is active and not in any standby or screensaver mode. Commonreasons for No Picture issue on Roku
Choosing Wrong input source
Choosing the wrong input source is a very common blunder that occurs whilesetting up the Roku device for Streaming. You can resolve the issue by choosingthe appropriate input source. The recent TV version comes with the differentoption to connect with different devices such as a cable box, gaming console,and others. You need to be very careful while choosing the input source.
Video cable is not connected properly or using a faulty Cable
Make sure or verify the if the video cable that connects the Roku streamingdevice and you HDMI or in case you use a composite connector check theconnections are intact and you have connected them properly. If you possess aRoku Streaming Stick, then make sure it firmly gets set with your TV HDMI Port.In case if it does not get set you can use an extender port. In case you comeacross any faulty cable you can replace it with a new cable.

TV Port Problem
If you find the problem is with the connector on the TV, connecting your Roku streaming device, then tryconnecting it to a different TV. Else if the problem still persists trydisconnecting all cables and reconnects the entire configuration with newcables.
4K and HDCP compatibility
Verify if you are trying to stream a 4K or high-quality content thatrequires HDCP compatibility. Then you need to ensure all the connectivity, yourTelevision, and the Roku streaming device enables 4K streaming and compatiblewith HDCP protocol. While streaming 4K streams and you utilize a Television setor AVR that is not capable of displaying 4K resolution, then you may not ableto stream the content rather you can screen only empty screen.